ブラッコ・イタリアーノ(英:Bracco Italiano)とは、イタリア原産のポインター犬種である。別名のイタリアン・ポインター(英:Italian Pointer)の名で呼ばれる事もある古代犬種である。世界中で最も古いポインティング・ドッグのひとつであると考えられていて、紀元前4世紀ごろ、地元の猟犬とカーネ・ディ・マチェライオと思われるモロシアンタイプの犬種を交配させて作出された。それから何百年もの間イタリア唯一のポインターとして使われ、2つの地域で2つのタイプに発展した。それはピエモンテ地方で発展したピエモンテ・ビアンコ・アランチオ(英:Piedmont Bianco Arrancio )と、ロンバルディア地方で発展したロンバルディア・ロアノ・マロネ(英:Lombardy Roano Marone)であり、お互いに違った特徴や長所を持っている。なお、改良の過程で両タイプにブラッドハウンドの血が加えられた。 第二次世界大戦時にはどちらも絶滅寸前となり、特にロンバルディアタイプは数頭しか生き残りがいないほど個体減少が深刻だった。戦後は愛好家の手によりなんとか数を回復することが出来たが、イタリア外では今でもやや珍しい犬種で、両タイプともにほとんどがショードッグとして飼育されている。日本にも輸出されていて、2007年の国内登録頭数順位は144位中124位だった。その事を考慮すると、日本国内にも多くのブラッコ・イタリアーノが飼育されている事がうかがえる。しかし、知名度は低く2タイプあるということもほとんど知られていないのが現状である。
スクールエイド 頭 悪い
* ピエモンテ・ビアンコ・アランチオ…やや細身ですらりと脚が長く、顔の皮膚のたるみが多い。大きな垂れ耳・飾り毛のない長い垂れ尾だが尾は、3分の2ほどの長さに断尾することもある。コートは柔らかい短毛で、毛色はホワイト地にレモンやレッド、チェスナットなどのいずれか色の斑が入ったもの。性格は穏やかで優しい。体高56~68cm、体重25~40kgの大型犬。
* ロンバルディア・ロアノ・マロネ…がっしりとした筋肉質の体つきで、顔の皮膚のたるみは少ない。長い垂れ耳・飾り毛のない長い垂れ尾だが、尾は3分の2ほどの長さに断尾することもある。コートは短毛で毛色はブラウンやチェスナットのローン。性格は穏やかで友好的。体高 56~67cm、体重28~40kg。
スクールエイド 頭 悪い
* ピエモンテ・ビアンコ・アランチオ…やや細身ですらりと脚が長く、顔の皮膚のたるみが多い。大きな垂れ耳・飾り毛のない長い垂れ尾だが尾は、3分の2ほどの長さに断尾することもある。コートは柔らかい短毛で、毛色はホワイト地にレモンやレッド、チェスナットなどのいずれか色の斑が入ったもの。性格は穏やかで優しい。体高56~68cm、体重25~40kgの大型犬。
* ロンバルディア・ロアノ・マロネ…がっしりとした筋肉質の体つきで、顔の皮膚のたるみは少ない。長い垂れ耳・飾り毛のない長い垂れ尾だが、尾は3分の2ほどの長さに断尾することもある。コートは短毛で毛色はブラウンやチェスナットのローン。性格は穏やかで友好的。体高 56~67cm、体重28~40kg。
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a breed of dog originating in Ireland. There are four coat varieties: Traditional Irish, Heavy Irish, English, and American. They are considered to be hypoallergenic[1][2], a trait popular with allergic or asthmatic dog owners. These dogs have hair instead of fur.
The Wheaten was originally bred in Ireland to be an all-purpose farm dog whose duties would have included herding, watching and guarding livestock, and vermin hunting. This is probably why they are not as aggressive as other terriers, who were primarily vermin hunters. They are believed to be related to the Kerry Blue Terrier. Today Wheaten terriers also compete in obedience, agility, and tracking, and many are used in animal-assisted therapy as well.
Despite its long history, the Wheaten wasn’t recognized as a breed in Ireland by the Irish Kennel Club until 1937. In 1943 the British Kennel Club recognized the breed as well. The first Wheatens were exported to the United States in 1946 but serious interest in the breed took years to develop. Lydia Vogel was one of the first breeders of the Wheaten Terrier in the United States. Finally, in 1973, they were recognized by the American Kennel Club. The first Wheatens imported into Australia occurred in the 70's by Anubis Kennels. Since then many more have been imported. Recent importation of Irish style dogs have improved and broadened the gene pool.
Puppies have a dark coat of either red, brown, mahogany or white. The muzzle and ears of Wheaten puppies may be black or dark brown. The dark puppy coat gradually grows out into a wheaten-colored coat as they get older. The color can range from wheat to white, but white coats are not considered desirable by breeders and show enthusiasts. The adult coat may contain black, white, or darker brown "guard" hairs in addition to the lighter wheaten-coloured hair.
The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized dog, which ranges on average anywhere from 17 to 19 inches and weighs about 30 to 45 pounds. The breed has a square structure and is well built. Its hair does not shed like most dogs; like human hair and Poodle hair, it keeps growing, needs regular trimming, and drops just a few hairs daily.
The Irish coat tends to be thinner and silkier than the American variety.
This breed has little to no shedding [3] (see Moult).
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are generally a long lived breed but, as with all other dogs, they can develop health problems. The two most known in the wheaten are protein losing nephropathy (PLN) and protein losing enteropathy (PLE). PLN is where the dog loses protein from the kidneys; PLE is where the dog loses protein from the intestine. These conditions are eventually fatal. Early detection is key and wheaten owners are recommended to test their dogs at least yearly with the available veterinary tests in their own country (note that not all tests are available in all countries). Neither condition has a known mode of inheritance though there are various research programs, mainly in the United States and the United Kingdom (see health websites for further details). Other wheaten health issues are renal dysplasia, inflammatory bowel disease, Addison's disease and cancer. Wheatens can also suffer from food and environmental allergies.
アラド RMT
川口 一戸建て
The Wheaten was originally bred in Ireland to be an all-purpose farm dog whose duties would have included herding, watching and guarding livestock, and vermin hunting. This is probably why they are not as aggressive as other terriers, who were primarily vermin hunters. They are believed to be related to the Kerry Blue Terrier. Today Wheaten terriers also compete in obedience, agility, and tracking, and many are used in animal-assisted therapy as well.
Despite its long history, the Wheaten wasn’t recognized as a breed in Ireland by the Irish Kennel Club until 1937. In 1943 the British Kennel Club recognized the breed as well. The first Wheatens were exported to the United States in 1946 but serious interest in the breed took years to develop. Lydia Vogel was one of the first breeders of the Wheaten Terrier in the United States. Finally, in 1973, they were recognized by the American Kennel Club. The first Wheatens imported into Australia occurred in the 70's by Anubis Kennels. Since then many more have been imported. Recent importation of Irish style dogs have improved and broadened the gene pool.
Puppies have a dark coat of either red, brown, mahogany or white. The muzzle and ears of Wheaten puppies may be black or dark brown. The dark puppy coat gradually grows out into a wheaten-colored coat as they get older. The color can range from wheat to white, but white coats are not considered desirable by breeders and show enthusiasts. The adult coat may contain black, white, or darker brown "guard" hairs in addition to the lighter wheaten-coloured hair.
The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized dog, which ranges on average anywhere from 17 to 19 inches and weighs about 30 to 45 pounds. The breed has a square structure and is well built. Its hair does not shed like most dogs; like human hair and Poodle hair, it keeps growing, needs regular trimming, and drops just a few hairs daily.
The Irish coat tends to be thinner and silkier than the American variety.
This breed has little to no shedding [3] (see Moult).
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are generally a long lived breed but, as with all other dogs, they can develop health problems. The two most known in the wheaten are protein losing nephropathy (PLN) and protein losing enteropathy (PLE). PLN is where the dog loses protein from the kidneys; PLE is where the dog loses protein from the intestine. These conditions are eventually fatal. Early detection is key and wheaten owners are recommended to test their dogs at least yearly with the available veterinary tests in their own country (note that not all tests are available in all countries). Neither condition has a known mode of inheritance though there are various research programs, mainly in the United States and the United Kingdom (see health websites for further details). Other wheaten health issues are renal dysplasia, inflammatory bowel disease, Addison's disease and cancer. Wheatens can also suffer from food and environmental allergies.
アラド RMT
川口 一戸建て
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